Leaf Pickup through December 31
Leaf pickup will occur in conjunction with regularly scheduled street cleaning days in Southampton. The Southampton schedule is over two days--last Monday and last Tuesday in November and December. Mark your calendars for November 26 and 27 and December 31. (Will be updated when we uncover how December 25 (last Tuesday) will be handled.)
Here are a few helpful reminders for Southampton residents from our Ward 16 Alderman, Tom Oldenburg.
- if your neighborhood does not have street cleaning signs posted, you can find your street’s cleaning schedule online
- the City will pick up leaves that have fallen from City trees if they are piled in the street approximately 1.5 feet from the curb
- tree limbs, cardboard boxes, plastic bags, etc. must be removed from any leaves that are left for curbside pickup
- other leaves from your yard should be placed in your alley’s yard waste dumpsters
- if your yard waste dumpster is full, place leaves in paper yard waste bags and schedule them for pickup from the “tree yard” in front of your home (between the sidewalk and the street); you must call the Citizen’s Service Bureau at 314-622-4800 to request bagged leaf pickup
- residents should mulch leaves with a lawn mower or mulcher before disposal to maximize the capacity of dumpsters and lawn bags