Traffic signage. All pending reports to the City have been cleared and verified. The next annual survey will begin in March. NOTE: traffic signage refers to Stop, Do Not Enter, One-Way, and the plaques All Way and Cross Traffic Does Not Stop.
Dead trees. All known dead trees have been reported to the City and removal is underway. NOTE: Two trees reported dead were not removed but were trimmed. The next survey will begin in June.
Alley & Street Lighting. Almost all lighting issues have been repaired by the City (street) or Ameren (alley). Two issues involving new lights will require additional monitoring.
Sidewalks. Annual survey is scheduled to begin in May.
Property Workshops. Christy Fry and Donna Agah are attending workshops to prevent vacant properties; to reduce any displacement; and to obtain good data on City properties that are vacant.
Residents interested in Safety are encouraged to attend the tour of the Real Time Crime Center on Saturday, November 3, beginning at 10 AM (and lasting about an hour) at 1915 Olive (Police HQ). Meter parking available.